Downsized and out in Bristol and Somerset

Thursday, January 27, 2005

Interview update

It all went very well, the bloke was very nice but seemed to have the erroneous impression that the world of trade magazines is entirely populated by sensible, hard-working, professional people who meet their deadlines and that I might be put off by the fact that his team have the radio on in the office and girlie calendars on the walls. I say "seemed" because of course in a job interview one can't ask anything gender-specific, so I gleaned this from things he was saying like "it's really not a very PC office, in fact I'm afraid it's often quite the opposite" and "the staff writers are all guys in their 20s, but in the nicest possible way they're not the most mature of 20-somethings".
Anyway it seemed like a wicked place to work, although I don't want to say too much in case I identify it, and I've got a little caption-writing test to do which is fun (I like writing captions).
If they like me I've got to go back and see the publishing director, which will be a bit of a trauma as I don't have a) any smart clothes that still fit me or b) any days when I'm not working in London for the next two weeks at least.

PS The interview guy also said that even if I don't get this long-term thing, there is a massive shortage of decent magazine production freelances in the West Country, which really cheered me up. There's nothing that warms the cockles of a job-seeker so much as hearing that a potential employer is absolutely gagging desperate. So there's plenty of work, McReadie, Taxloss, Sundried...what are you waiting for? Let's head to Somerset and start that commune we've always talked about. I'll feed the chickens, Hypatia can knit jam and Sundried can be chief goat girl.


Blogger Hypatia said...

I've just bought myself a pastry brush and a lemon zester. I can go anywhere and do anything: bring it on!

I'm also in the middle of putting together a newsletter in *snort* Microsoft Publisher '95. Seriously - after this, it'll all be a breeze.

January 28, 2005 at 2:21 AM

Blogger Will said...

Oooh! Oooh! Oooh! What can I do? Other than stop saying "Oooh!". "Assistant goatherd"?

Oddly enough - and you must all keep this under your collective hat - I'm presently writing "This Isn't the West Country". And of course my parents live in Dorset.

H's knitted jam is lovely.

January 28, 2005 at 9:21 AM

Blogger Hypatia said...

That's because I make it with extra gravel.

January 28, 2005 at 10:18 AM


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