Downsized and out in Bristol and Somerset

Saturday, November 13, 2004

That song

OK, now I come to sing the whole thing through, I realise that I actually lied about being able to remember the whole Brownie Guide Song. There's only one line I can't remember and it's really bugging me, so if anyone can fill in the bit between "We're Brownie Guides, we're Brownie Guides, we're here to lend a hand" and "We're Brownie Guides, we're Brownie Guides, from north, south, east and west, we're joined together in our hope to strive to do our best" I'd be very grateful. I'm guessing it might start "We're Brownie Guides, we're Brownie Guides", if that's any help at all.


Blogger Fizzwhizz said...

No, I'm sure it's something more along the lines of "something something throughout the land" - "intense" doesn't scan and it doesn't rhyme with "hand", either. But thanks for the input.

November 13, 2004 at 11:45 AM

Blogger Fizzwhizz said...

Yeah, it was a pain in the arse having to go to church once a month, and parading to Kenilworth War Memorial in November wearing a cotton dress and knee-high socks was extremely harsh (we weren't allowed to wear coats!!!!!!!!!! And when you are a burgeoning pre-pubescent with a healthy dose of puppy fat, there are only so many jumpers you can fit under your dress. What, were our sewing and cooking badges supposed to keep us warm? Or was I supposed to get some kind of Ready-Brek glow from my responsibilities as Sixer of the Imps?). The Guides was even more shit, though. There was about 10 promises you had to remember, and the hats were really tricky to keep on (in my day they were a kind of jaunty pillbox thing that you had to fix on with hairgrips), and we never really did anything properly organised, we just sat around and chatted about boys and periods.
Still, it's good to get kids out of the house. I'd rather have been in the non-religious, right-on, outdoor-oriented Woodcraft Folk ( any day though.

November 15, 2004 at 3:27 AM

Blogger Fizzwhizz said...

But did you learn to darn socks, bake cakes and always carry a piece of string and a safety pin? Indeed, did you actually have checks to make sure you had the requisite piece of string in your Brownie wallet thing that attached to your belt?

You know, the more I look back on it, the more fascist it does seem. We did get to do a dance routine to the theme from Fame, though (although I never got to take my turn at doing a little solo dance because I was last in line and the music ran out too soon. I was that kind of a child)

November 16, 2004 at 5:20 AM


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